
Board of Directors Meetings for 2013

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors
Meeting January 23, 2013

Attendance: (7): Fred, Al, Anne Shelia, Tom R, Tom W, Donna.
LP Tom called the meeting to order at 8:40
Items for discussion:
Ads for the Convention booklet 4 by 11 inches inside are the rules and bylaws of the chat room, welcoming messages, etc.  1/8  $80 page or ¼ page %175.
A motion was made by Lion Tom R to purchase an ad for $80.  Seconded by Lion Anne.  All in favor.  This will go to budget.
Miracle League (ML) fundraiser to raise money for a new playground, August 10 with a rain date on August 11th.  Dan Drexilius would like the Lions Club to have a game booth with proceeds to go for the playground.  LP Tom has committed us to a  50/50 raffle as well having our Lions Mascot.  This should go to budget committee.  Prizes and a booth are needed.  LP Tom would also like to sponsor a game “under the lights”, 50/50 etc.
Lions Blind and Charity Club.  Our club is a member with 5 shares.  The executive committee is tired and is in need of new ideas.  The committee would like to dissolve the LBACF and have the fund be managed by CFB.  There would be some money taken out for administrative costs.  The committee reports that 2000 people donate to the fund or 1% out of all of the letters that are sent out.  Each club needs to agree on whether or not this is a good idea to transfer and handle the dissolution of the fund to the CFB.  Lions Norm, Paul and Tom are recommending that our club support the committee’s recommendation.  The current funds will be managed and invested.  There is currently 1.2 million dollars in the fund.  Motion made by LP Tom our club support this seconded by Lion Shelia.  All in favor.
Island wide dispatch will go out on February 1, 2013.  The deadline for submissions are Monday 1/28/13.  LP Tom has drafted an article  “Aren’t you the guys who collect eyeglasses” This will highlight what our club is about.
Motion Lion Anne that LP Tom submits any or all articles that he sees fit for publication. Seconded by Lion Shelia.  All in favor.  Motion passed.
Pajama Drive;  Huth Rd Elementary School, in conjunction with their scholastic book sale.  Donations are sought of new pajamas.  Information on this will go out to the general membership with a suggestion for each of us to donate a new pair of PJs.  Lion Tom will find out the specifics as far as the dates and this will be sent to the general membership.
Motion to adjourn:  lion Shelia seconded Lion Tom. 9:06
Submitted Lion Donna Lavallee

Board Meeting: March 13th 2013
 Meeting called to order at 8:57 PM
10 in attendance: Tom Witkowski, Brooks Rimes, Tom Rusert, Paul Bassette, Fred Ruocco, Al Ackerman, Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford, Shelia Ferrentino, Donna Lavallee. 

GI Optical 2 statements for a total of $364 for 2 students, 1 from Sidway School and an additional student.  Tom has inquired on any guidelines regarding income to determine financial need.  LP Tom has spoken to lawyers friends on how the income guidelines to determine who may be in need.  The Social Services department will present this type of information to our club in the future.  LP Tom will also present this information at the joint service club meeting in March.  A motion was made by LP Tom to pay the bills.  Our budget has $800 to cover these expenses. Motion seconded by Lion Fred.  All in favor.  Motion passed.

Hearing Aid request:  LP Tom is assisting the family through the AES Hearing Aid Fund.  This is request is in process.

Independent Living Center – This request will be sent to Budget
SABAH- Looking for a donation to help family members that could not go to one of their events.  In the past we have never voted for a request such as this.  Our club is in agreement to not make a donation at this time.
Guideline Dogs from Smithtown NY:  donation request.  We have donated in the past, however, this will go to budget.

Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Services:  Donation request, will go to budget.
Dr. Andy’s Day for Kids:  We have budgeted $250 this is in the budget.  Lion Tom R reported that they set a record this years in donations approximately $35K.
NYS Bermuda Lion Foundation raffle tickets.  This is in the budget we will purchase our tickets so that we can award an Uplinger.
Niagara County Lions Club- donation request for $500 to support a golf day.  Voted down.
Newtown Lions Club donation:  Donation requesting monies to support services that go into the trauma support for the student and first responders for the survivors at Sandy hook Elementary.  The Newtown Lions Club foundation is a 501C3, 100% of the monies raised will go toward  this cause.  They believe that this will cost $130K annually for the next 10 years.  Lion Brooks suggested that we make at donation.  LP Tom will look into how the State of Connecticut is dealing with this and how they determined the money stated in the letter. 

Lion Paul Peace Poster. The theme is “Our world, Our Future”  A kit is approximately $16.  A motion by Lion Dick to purchase kit seconded by Lion Tom, Motion passes.   Uplinger Committee will meet when Lion Diane returns.

Motion to adjourn Lion Shelia seconded by Lion Anne, meeting adjourned 9:32
Submitted, Lion Donna Lavallee

Board Meeting: March 27th 2013
8 members:  Tom Witkowski, Brooks Rimes, Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Donna Lavallee.

Lions Blind and Charity Fund:  We need documentation so that we can accept our share of the funds.  Documentation will be provided to Lion Dick.
LP Tom requesting the we support the Journey Beyond Sight, Motion made by Lion Dick to offer support of $150, seconded by Lion Tom R.  All in favor, motion passed.
Miracle League requests from the Brandel Fund requesting $1000 towards the special needs playground. 
Lion Brooks had a request from a mother to help sponsor a deaf diver to attend Deaf Olympics in Bulgaria.  $5000 in funds is needed.  The child is from NT.  We will discuss this further, as requests are not needed in the immediate future.
Merrittons Meeting has not been set.
Motion to adjourn Lion Tom seconded by Lion Fred, meeting adjourned 9:12 PM
Submitted Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
April 24, 2013

Attendance: (8 in attendance) Tom Witkowski, Henry Lobl, Dick Crawford,  Anne Fahning, Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman. Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, 

Lion President  Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 8:54 PM.
Items for discussion:
Finger Lakes Region Lions Hearing Foundation:  The Finger Lakes Region Hearing Foundation sent a request for donation:  Apparently MD 20 uses these services of this organization the most frequently.  Lion Donna collects hearing aids and ships them to Lion Art Elliot in Rochester, NY.  Lion Art is the founder of this organization.  Request from Lion Donna to obtain numbers in regards the recipients from our district.  Our club sends all aids that are collected from our district to Lion Art for salvage credit.  This supports the foundation.  Lion
Fundraiser for Braydon Macri:  Lion Tom presented on the benefit event for Braydon Macri.  Lion Dave made a motion that we donate $100, seconded by Lion Tom R.  All in favor.
Wings flights of Hope:  Requesting a donation.  They are a 501 c3.  Lion Tom W made a motion that the club donate $100, seconded by Lion Henry.  All in favor, Motion passed.
Guide Dogs Foundation:  Smithtown, NY Long Island.  A donation request.  LP Tom will find out the particulars regarding the particulars of this group regarding their guide dogs.  The consensus is that we would like to support a local group for guide dogs.
Grand Island Optical:  $180 request.  The individual was referred to by the school nurse at Sidway Elementary.  LP Tom and Lion Paul spoke to Nick G. at GI Optical, Pricing was discussed.  Budget is $800 to date we have only spent a portion of this.  This bill will be paid and we will continue to consider other options.
Ann E. Stadelmaier Hearing Aid Fund: Our club has received correspondence from PDG Tom Reinagal.  The GI recipient will pay $150.  The request from the fund is that our club pay $240 for the cost of the hearing aid.  Motion from Lion Henry to cover the cost of the hearing aid, seconded by Lion Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Rotary Club asked for a sponsorship to their annual Lobsterfest $500, this would include 2 tickets.  June 7.  The cost of a ticket is $85.  A suggestion was made that we show a sign of support by buying tickets, perhaps we could get a table.  This year this event is at River Oaks.  Lion Dave will put this information in the newsletter.
Motion to adjourn at Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Dave.  meeting adjourned 9:15 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee  

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
June 26, 2013
Attendance: (10  in attendance) Brooks Rimes, Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Al Ackerman, Anne Fahning, Paul Bassette,  Dick Crawford, Annette Lobl, Tom Rusert, Donna Lavallee.
Lion President Brooks Rimes called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM.
Loan Closet:  The Loan Closet is overflowing and we need to set a date to clear it out.  Lion Annette and Lion Dave have been over to take a look.  Question about walkie talkies in the loan closet that can be used for the SKP.  Lion Dick indicated that we can use some from the town.
Correspondence from LCIF, overpayment of magazines subscriptions.  There is a reimbursement. 
Budget Committee:  Lion Dick will run the meetings.  Interested parties are welcome to join the committee.  The format will be changed so that we review monthly expenses and receivables.  The numbers will be on the website.  Members will be Dick, Anne, Donna, Tom, Brooks.
Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Dick will chair the Spaghetti Dinner next year.
4th of July parade:  Lion Anne:  The Fahning’s will have 2 cars again this year.  Members that plan on marching need to meet around 8:30, location on where to meet will be on the isle de grande.  Usually we meet at McMahon’s.  Lion Dave will get the banner.  Lion Donna’s son Tim will be in the costume.
Budget:  Welfare Fund has $12,000 and the General Fund has $1000.
Special Kids Picnic; Everything has gone out to the schools.  She has heard from the schools that are in session year round.  Horses; we will have the horses for 2 hours and the owner would like to offer a petting zoo.  The ponies cannot support more than 100 pounds so a petting zoo may be a nice addition.  Annette will check on the type of animals in the petting zoo and check with the launch club.  Lion Annette has sent an email to all club members regarding the procedures with the picnic.  She has reached out to everyone encouraging them to come and participate.  Lion Anne only has 4 or 5 boats available as of yet.  She will continue to try to find 1 or 2 more boats.  We need some volunteers the day before to set up tents, pathways, etc.  Lion Annette will post a date when the preliminary meeting will be.  Lion Annette will contact the Merrittans.
Members Picnic:  July 27th at Fahnings at 4 PM leave at 5 PM members bring appetizers or dessert.  Lion Past President Tom will call and arrange for caterers Chivettas.  Cost should be about $8/person for caterers.  Lion Dave will email everyone regarding the date.  Overall cost will be $15/person including food and drink.
2013-2014 Committee Chairs:
Lion Brooks reviewed the 33 committees:
Ed. Note: Committees listed on page 4.
New Business:  Any members. Lion Anne made a motion to spend $20 to any members who wants to go to the district annual leadership forum.  All in favor, motion passed.  The meeting will be at St. John Vianney School in Orchard Park.  On Saturday 8/17/13 with sessions at 10 Am and 1 PM.  Lion Brooks, Lion Annette and Lion Donna will attend.
Motion to adjourn:  Lion Paul, seconded by Lion Anne, all in favor. 
Meeting adjourned 8:27.
Respectively submitted:  Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting July 31, 2013
Attendance: (10 in attendance) Brooks Rimes, Tom Witkowski, Annette Lobl, Paul Bassette, , Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman, Fred Ruocco, Anne Fahning.
Lion President Brooks Rimes called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
Special Kids Picnic:  Lion Annette:  736 kids and staff, 110 volunteers,   all the bills are not submitted yet.  Things went well and Lion Annette will get the Thank you letters out to those who offered services.  Changes:  We should not advertise for volunteers in the Island Dispatch.  We had many volunteers and Lion Annette got too many phone calls from the advertisement.  There were too many volunteers for Excaliber.  Lion Dave provided a run down for the supplies that were ordered.  Lion Anne said we were overstaffed on the dock and those extra were in the way.  The food ran very smoothly and people did not have to wait.  The kids loved the petting zoo.
Eyeglass Collection Coordinator:   An email was sent to Lion Cory to see if he would like to be the eyeglass coordinator.  LP Brooks will contact him by phone.  Duties include; collect from the 4 sights on Grand Island, Golden Age, Town Hall, Library, Grand Island Optical.  After collection they should be dropped off at Southside Trailer on Grand Island Blvd.  No fractured lens, eyeglass cases, broken glasses.  The number dropped off needs to be reported to the corresponding secretary.  LP Brooks could also list this in his president’s newsletter.
Corresponding Secretary;  Mail:  Lion Annette;  14 members needs to pay dues.  LP Brooks will contact Lion Dick regarding any updates. 
District 20N Cabinet Meeting:  The meeting will be 8/10/13 DG Dan Dunn in Orchard Park.
Lion Brooks and Lion Tom, Lion Annette will be attending and carpool.  This is the same day as the Miracle League Playground, our Club will be selling the 50/50 tickets from noon to 5 PM. Lion Tom W will contact Dan Drexelius to see if we need to provide the tickets.  Lion Annette sent around a sign-up sheet.  Needs are 5 gallon buckets, aprons, banner, an email needs to be sent out to the board and members for help.  Rain date is 8/11/13. 
District 20N Training Session:  Will be 8/17 in Orchard Park registration starting at 10 AM.  A check needs to be sent to the district.  Lion Brooks, Lion Tom and Lion Donna will be going.
White Cane:  White cane will be on 8/16 and 8/17.  Lion Henry is chair of this event.
Dates for 2013-2014 calendar year need to be submitted to Lion Dave ASAP.
Medical Bill Request:  request from Lion Kathy Norris to help will medical expenses for her son that had a detached retina.  Lion Henry found out that the medical bills have been reduced significantly, however, he still owes a substantial amount and could use help.  Budget committee has some money set aside for these kind of expenses.  We will have to bring this up at budget committee.  Lion Tom made a motion to donate $250 with the approval of the treasurer.  All in favor, none opposed, motion passed.
Other Business:
Dan Morobito’s son in law passed away suddenly on 7/21/13.  Ron Federce.  The Sunshine Committee should get a card out to him.
Concerns:  Membership:  Lion Paul Bassette.  We need new quality members.  Theresa Hooper came to mind.  Lion Dave mentioned this to her when she received the Melvin Jones award. 
District 20N dues our club owes $152 based on 38 members. 
 Vietnam Veternan’s Pick up.org.  They will pick up anything from the loan closet that the club would like to donate.  Lion Tom will call the organization to find out the details.  8/12 and 8/13 they will be in the area.  Items need to be put outside and they will pick it up.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Annette seconded by Lion Paul:  Meeting adjourned: 8:09 PM
Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting August 28, 2013
Attendance: (8 in attendance) Brooks Rimes, Dick Crawford,   Dave Chervinsky, Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman, Anne Fahning, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,
Lion President Brooks called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.
Items for discussion:
White cane sale:  $1822.   No coverage at M and T and 3 no shows.  No coverage at Tops from 1-3 Pm on Saturday.  Recommendations per Lion Annette, drop M & T Bank, stop collecting at Tops Saturday at 1 PM.  A new chairman will be needed next year.
$250 approved at last meeting for Kathy Norris’ son going toward his retinal surgery.  We need to find out whom to send the money to.  A bill is needed to document this for the treasurer.  Perhaps the money can go directly towards a medical bill.  Lion Dave will contact Kathy to find out how to proceed.  Lion Brooks will forward copies of the medical bills to Lion Dick and Lion Dave.
Special Kids Picnic invoices and bills are not totally in as of yet.
Miracle League:  email from Lion Tom W.  There will be a LC ML game on 9/24 in the evening. There will 2 teams that the kids need buddies for.  This will be a night game, starting at 7:30 PM.  This information will be in the newsletter.  Other regional Lions will be invited to participate.
Bon Ton Fundraiser:  News will be forthcoming at the September meeting by Lion Annette.
2 members that are still outstanding for dues, Dick Planavsky and Kevin Slaciak.   Lion Paul believes that Lion Dick P will be withdrawing his membership due to his commitments in Tonawanda.  He will be removed from the roster if he submits his resignation. 
Sheridan Club Lions Club member Lion Sharon Battaglia is asking for sponsors from District 20N towards a breast cancer awareness walk.   The walk will be in Tampa, Florida.  Lion Brooks made a motion that we donate $25.  Seconded by Lion Dick C.  Vote 6 yes, 2 no, motion passed.
A suggestion was made to have general guidelines in regards to our mission and donations.  
Green cards:  This came from the cabinet meeting that Lion Brooks and Lion Annette went to.  This is a foldable small card that can be placed on a table containing information pertaining to our clubs activities. These could be used at the spaghetti dinner, Miracle league, BonTon sale, National night out, Taste of Grand Island, White cane fundraiser, Wendy’s fundraiser any place where we are visible.  This can be a way to perhaps draw new members.  Lion Dick C will get a price.
District 20N, a restaurant in Cheektowaga allows their Lions Club to have a information flier or poster to promote Lionism.  Lion Brooks will try to get a picture of this for further discussion.
January 14, 2014 the District Governor Dan Dunn will visit.
Program for 1st September General Meeting.
Dinner cost until the end of the year will be $17 + 1 split club at Byblos.  The BLC is 19 + 1 split club.  After the first of the year we can re evaluate the meeting places, perhaps go to River Oaks.
Suggestions are needed for program
Welfare Budget review,  Income,
the recycling budget should be reduced to $100,
increase White cane by $400 to $1500. 
Modifications Blind and Charity fund should be changed to $850. 
Wendy’s?  is $500 correct, perhaps eliminate Wendy’s.
Expenses:  Line by line
GI Optical:  Lion Paul reviewed the fees that he, Lion Tom and the new owner had come up with.  Ideas:  Cover cost of basic cost exam; $50, Frames $60 and Single Vision Poly lens; $50.  Anything over and above the person would be responsible.
Scholarships;  Lion Paul would like to increase the monies.  Looking at the budget we most likely can not do this for this budget.  Ideas reduce to 2 or 3 scholarships.  Leave for future discussion.
Health/Welfare:  appropriate
Spaghetti Dinner: appropriate
Peace Poster:  appropriate
Vision Beyond Sight: make a payment of $1000 from last years budget.  Remove from 2013-2014 budget.
Raymond Wheeler $38.
Excaliber, GI Library, Young Life, Docs Day for Kids, Mercy Flight, Neighbors Foundation
 Drop Canine Helpers.
Up for discussion:  some organizations do not ask for requests
Addition of Miscellaneous Line.
General Budget review:
No changes were made.
Other Business
Spaghetti Dinner will be April 28th next year.
Meeting date for September General Meeting 9/11/13, 7 PM at Byblos
Next Board Meeting September 25, 2013.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Dave seconded by Lion ? :  Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM
Respectively submitted, Lions Donna Lavalle and Dave Chervinsky

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
September 26, 2012
Attendance: (9 in attendance) Brooks Rimes, Anne Fahning, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Al Ackerman, Fred Ruocco, Paul Bassette.
Lion Annette motion to approve the minutes.  Seconded by Lion Fred,
Members:  Outstanding member is Brain Grim.  Lion Annette will try to contact him.  Lion Dick Planavsky is being dropped from the roster.  He could rejoin in the future if he desires.
Lion Paul:  Eyeglasses for the needy.  Pricing from GI Optical for those individual in need, do we want to go with GI Optical or do we want to go off GI to seek better pricing.  Costs are Exams, $50; Frames $60; single lens poly $50.  Discussion was had on capping to benefits to $160.  Lion Brooks will contact the owner for membership. Roundtable discussion.  Consensus is to continue to use GI unless the party seeking assistance has a different optician.  Lion Brooks:  Motion was made to agree have $160 cap on expenses, covering a basic eyeglasses, encouraging people to go to GI Optical, based on need.  Seconded by Lion Paul.  All in favor.  Motion Passed.
Audit of treasurer’s books:  Lion Brooks will conduct this with Henry Lobl.  The books will be ready for audit by December 1, 2013.
Collection and trip to Afya Center in Yonkers, NY to arrange for unused donating medical equipment.  This is in the works.  Lion Dave reported on the status of the loan closet.  Some items are not functional, wheelchairs without footrests, etc.   One of the motorized scooters was donated.  We will wait for the next board meeting for a report from Lion Tom W.
Loan closet shelving:  Lion Dave, the shelving was taken to recycling.  New shelving will be built to allow better access to items. Written guidelines are needed regarding the items that we accept and do not accept.   A motion was made by Lion Annette to have a definitive date to get rid to the excess.  The date of 12-1-2013 was suggested to have the loan closet cleared out.  Seconded by Lion Paul.  All in favor, motion passed.   Motion tabled.  Lion Dave and Lion Tom made a metal recycling run, approximately $176 was raised. 
Membership Ad:  The advertisement will state that we welcome women member.  Lion Anne will field calls and keep the members informed.
Lion Dick will get pricing on the information cards for use at our events. 
Lions Brooks:  Information board possibilities to get out the Lions Club message.  Lion Brooks found a picture of an information board.  Suggested that we could have something like this for our club.  Lion Brooks will forward this information to all members of the Board for review. 
Upcoming speaker:  10/23/13.  Lynn Konovitz from the GI Memorial Library.
November Henry Kammerer from the GI Neighbors foundation.  Members attending to bring non-perishable food items.
Mail:  Lion Annette:  Sean and Stephanie Patterson:  “For our girls Foundation” twin girls in need.  The children have genetic disorder and they are in need of finances for medical expenses.  A benefit is coming up 9-28-13.  The board is in need of more specifics in order to make an informed decision.
Dr. Kennth Anthone invitation to raise funds for cataract surgery for those with no health insurance.  $75 per person.  The dinner is Friday 10-04-13 at Russells.  Motion to make a donation of $50 because aligns with our mission.  Seconded by Lion Paul, all in favor.  Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn Lion Paul, seconded Lion Anne, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:42 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Board Meeting Minutes October 23, 2013
Attendance: Board members Lions Tom Witkowski, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Brooks Rimes, Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman, Fred Ruocco.  Lion Paul Bassette also attended.
Minutes approval: Minutes unread. No motions made.
Eyeglasses for 8th grade student Jessica Khang at Grand Island Middle School:  Motion by Lion Bassette to pay $160.00 for her exam, eyeglasses, and frames at Grand Island Optical.  Seconded by ?.  Motion passed.
Lions International Ethics policies:  Webinar discussed by Lion Witkowski indicating the requirement of complete transparency of out dealings with the public who supports us.  Board will receive actual documents from Lancaster and Pendleton Lions Clubs detailing the specifics which include bank statements (or transcribed information), outstanding checks, balances of all accounts.  Lion Witkowski recommended that these items be placed in the “Members Only” section of our webpage since the club has already agreed not to discuss our funds when a non-Lion or non-member is present.
Combat Domestic Violence fundraiser: Lion President Rimes proposed our participation in a fundraiser to be held as part of the Light UP The Boulevard festivities.  It would be a joint service club project with the Rotary and Zonta.  We may need to expend $35 toward a tent.  We may also be required to sell split tickets before and during the festivities.  A tribute garden at Isleview Park would have our club’s name on it.   Item was tabled.
Lions Open House: No discussion held nor action taken.
WNY Run For Heroes 11/9/13: Lion President Rimes received a call from Grand Island High School regarding WNY Runs For Heroes, a 5K race to be held 11/9/13.  $300 was mentioned for our club to be a named sponsor.  Several questions evolved around how much of the suggested donation would be used to assist our veterans.  Board approved a donation of $100.00
Loan Closet:shelving was proposed and discussed by Lion Witkowski.  He recommended installing a room wide shelf be installed at a cost of approximately $255.  Justification for the project is to gain easier access to our items.  Any defective item would be scrapped, with any excess or unwanted items placed on Craigslist “as is” to inform the public of the availability of the Loan Closet.  Lion Witkowski will email the sketch to all board members.  A Loan Closet cleanout date on October 30th at 6pm was scheduled.
Leo Club:   proposal has been made by Lions Mike Steinagel and Ed Payan due to the interest of their sons and their sons’ schoolmates.  An ongoing email dialog indicates that a formal presentation with District Leo Coordinator Lion Don Dove may be forthcoming pending further information to Lion President Rimes.
Adjourn: Motion by Lion Rusert, seconded by Lion Bassette
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
November 13, 2013
Attendance: ( 11 in attendance) Brooks Rimes, Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert,  Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky,  Al Ackerman, Paul Bassette, Diane Dubiel, Tom Witkowski and Donna Lavallee
Lion President Brooks Rimes called the meeting to order at 8:55 PM.  Motion to approve the minutes; however, they are not available.  Members will read minutes from the newsletter.  Lion Tom had a spelling change.
New Business:  Lion Tom:  Eyeglasses for Linda Gaines.  Ms. Gaines is a Grand Island resident with has macular degeneration.  She inadvertently ran over her telescopic glasses.  The lens got broke and the frames got bent.  Frames were fixed at no cost by GI Optical but the lens could not be repaired.  They do not make parts for the lens anymore.  Lion Tom took her down to the Olmstead Center for an exam and a recommendation was made for new glasses.  The cost for these new glasses is $438.  We will be asking for matching funds through the Ray Wheeler Foundation.  Therefore the cost to us would be $219.  There is $640 left in the eyeglass budget.   The Welfare Fund is in good shape.  Lion Tom made a motion was made to buy Linda Gaines eyeglasses, seconded by Lion Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Light up the Blvd.  Zonta asks if we could help sell 50/50 tickets to combat Domestic Violence. The event is on November 23, at 5:30-8 PM.  Lion Fred will be in the Lions costume, Lion Brooks, Donna will be there to sell tickets. Other interested Lions look for an email for further details.
Discussion:  Regarding meetings in the winter months as many of our Lions go to Florida.  Should we go down to 1 meeting a month in January and February.  Issues may affect the contracts that we have with Byblos and the BLC.  The consensus was to continue to meet twice a month regardless of how many members are able to attend.  Counts last year were January: 9 and 10, February: 8 and 5 and March: 10 and 11. 
Meals on Wheels:  We are committed to Meals on Wheels.  Lion Tom will coordinate for January, February and March.
Contact from Dr. Notaro, chiropractor who would like to come and present for 1 hour on healthy living.  The club decided to forgo this presentation at this time. 
Motion to send Larry Furnia a sunshine gift as he is under hospice care.  Maybe a gift certificate for a meal from a local resttraurant.  Lion Annette will contact Colleen to ask what he would like.  The board will vote on this via email. 
Motion to adjourn Lion Dick, seconded Lion Dave, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:35 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
